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放大字体  缩小字体 发布:2018-08-14   浏览:436   状态:状态  查看手机版 分享:
展会日期 2018-12-05 至 2018-12-07
展出城市 广州
展出地址 广州琶洲·保利世贸博览馆1-2号馆
展馆名称 广州琶洲·保利世贸博览馆
主办单位 中国船舶工业行业协会 中国造船工程协会
承办单位 广州市奥驰展览服务有限公司 英国英富曼会展集团



The 8th Edition of International Maritime Expo-China 2018

时间:2018年12月5-7日       地点:广州琶洲·保利世贸博览馆1-2号馆

Time: December 5-7, 2018  Venue: Pazhou Poly World Trade Center, Guangzhou

主办单位:中国船舶工业行业协会 中国造船工程协会

Sponsored by: China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry

             China Society of Naval Architects and Maritime Engineers

承办单位:广州市奥驰展览服务有限公司  英国英富曼会展集团

Organised and Managed by : Guangzhou Auch Exhibition Service Co., Ltd

 Informa Exhibitions


After more than 10 years of development, INMEX CHINA now become the largest and most popular Maritime Exhibition in Asia, which is the bridge and link between the international maritime circles and the multilevel exchanges and cooperation.

INMEX CHINA将于2018年12月5日-7日在广州琶洲·保利世贸博览馆举行,预计展览总面积将达23,000平方米,汇集20多个国家和地区的800余家企业联合参展,计划将由国际展区、船企展区、船用设备及先进材料展区、海洋科技展区、港口及航运服务展区、邮轮产业展区、智能制造展区、海洋工程装备展区等八大展区组成,全面展示海事业上下游产业链的创新产品、技术和服务。

INMEX CHINA will be held at Pazhou Poly World Trade Expo in Guangzhou from December 5-7,2018. The total area of the exhibition is expected to reach 23000 m2, more than 800 enterprises from 20 countries and regions to jointly participate in the exhibition. The project will consist of eight exhibition areas, including the international exhibition area, the shipbuilding exhibition area, the marine equipment and advanced materials exhibition area, the marine science and technology exhibition area, the port and shipping services exhibition area, the cruise industry exhibition area, the intelligent manufacturing area, the marine engineering equipment exhibition area, etc. A comprehensive display of the upstream and downstream industry chain innovation products, technologies and services.


当前,全球海事业机遇和挑战并存,因此更需要业界之间加强交流与合作,巩固原有客户,发展新业务。INMEX China 2018是了解全球海事业最新产品、技术和服务的最佳渠道,也是业内专业人士面对面交流和开展业务的理想平台。

At present, the opportunities and challenges of the global sea enterprise coexist, so it is even more necessary to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the industry, consolidate the original customers, and develop new business. INMEX China 2018 is the best way to understand the latest products, technologies and services of the global sea enterprise. It is also an ideal platform for face-to-face communication and business development among professionals in the industry.

参加INMEX China 2018,您将与来自中国及东南亚、欧洲、中东、南美等世界各地的船东、造修船、海洋石油、海洋工程、港口及海装、海警、港务、航道、打捞、救助、海洋科考、海洋渔业、水上客运等领域的企业决策者开展商贸洽谈及建立合作机会。

Join INMEX China 2018, you will be to conduct business negotiations and establish opportunities for cooperation with business decision-makers they are from China and Southeast Asia, Europe, the Middle East, South America and other parts of the world shipowners, shipbuilding, offshore oil, offshore engineering, ports and sea installations, marine police, port, shipping, salvage, rescue, marine science, Marine fishery, water passenger transport and other areas,etc.







Specialized Exhibitions

2018 the 4th International Shipping Service Exhibition

2018 Global Cruise Design and Construction Expo

2018 international exhibition on diving salvage service and technology

2018 International Marine Science and Technology Expo

2018 Maritime Intelligent Manufacturing and Information Application Result and Technology Exhibition







Specialized Forums

2018 The 2nd China Ship Transformation and Upgrading Development Forum

2018 The 1st Global Cruise Design and Construction Forum

2018 The 2nd Luxury Cruise Interior Decoration Conference

2018 The  1st China Water Passenger Transport Management Conference

2018 The Congress on the Development of National Ports, Shipping and Shipping Industries along the Maritime Silk Road


为活跃行业气氛、增加行业互动、弘扬海事行业优秀人物和品牌,组委会将举办“ 2018年度中国航运及船舶行业最受欢迎品牌评选和颁奖活动”


举办“B to B商务对接”活动,为来自全球的供应商和采购商提供"一对一"的商务对接洽谈

Specialized Activities

In order to enliven the atmosphere of the industry, increase industry interaction, and promote the outstanding personages and brands of the maritime industry, the Organizing Committee will hold the "Awards and Awards for the most popular brands in China's Shipping and Shipping Industry in 2018".

"Welcome Dinner Party of Guangzhou Night"

"B to B Business docking" to provide one-to-one business docking negotiations for suppliers and purchasers from all over the world






Specialized Services

Arrange to visit local shipyards, shipowners, marine engineering equipment base.

New “one-to-one” VIP exhibitor service

INMEX China organizing committee will make full use of the accumulated resources of the audience, the media, the government, the association and the publicity channels of previous exhibitions to provide exhibitors with such promotional  marketing as: EDM (e-mail marketing) promotion, WeChat marketing, product and enterprise soft text promotion, enterprise personage exclusive interview, "Preview Manual before Exhibition", provide "one-to-one" VIP exhibitors service, etc., Assist exhibitors in all aspects of publicity and promotion.

参展商范围   Exhibitor profile

船舶设计和建造      Ship design and construction

船坞和修船厂        Docks and shipyards

船舶营运和管理      Operation and management ship

船舶登记和检验      Registration and survey ship

船舶修理机械与设备  Ship repair machinery and equipment

疏浚设备            Dredging equipment 

导航和通讯系统      Navigation and Communication systems

轮机工程和船用设备  Marine Engineering & Equipment

推进系统/泵和阀     Propulsion System / Pump and valves

海洋工程            Ocean engineering

计算机系统、网络和软件 Computer systems, networks and software

环境保护装备和设施     Environmental protection equipment and facilities

起重和升降设备         Heavy Lift Vessel

海上货运和物流         Maritime Supply Logistics

油漆和涂料             Paint and Coating

冷冻系统和冷藏系统     Refrigeration & Freezing Equipment

港口、码头设备和服务   Port, terminal equipment and services

港务局和码头作业公司   Port Authority and Wharf Operations Company

安全、救援和保护设备   Safety, Rescue and Protection equipment

海事出版               Maritime Publication

海洋环境和安全         Marine environment and safety

船级社                 Classification society

船用燃料及润滑油       Marine fuels and lubricants

港口及码头、港口设施      Ports, Ports Equipment

船舶融资、保险和经纪公司  Shipping financing, Insurance and brokerage companies

航运物资及船用材料        Shipping materials and Marine materials

贸易协会及咨询服务        Trade associations and advisory services

观众范围 Visitor Profile

远洋运输/内河航运/客轮     Ocean shipping / Inland navigation / Passenger ships     

船舶贸易/经纪/管理          Ship trade / Brokerage / Management

海军/水上公安/边防          Naval / Marine Public Security / Border Protection

港航管理/港务作业/疏浚      Port / Port Operation / Dredging

海警/渔政/海洋科考/远洋渔业  Sea police / Fishing policy / Marine research / Ocean fishing

造船/修船/船舶设计          Shipbuilding / Repair / Ship design

船舶登记/检验               Ship registration / Survey

设备经销/代理/进出口贸易    Equipment distribution / Agency / Import & Export trade

协会/政府/科研机构/媒体     Associations / Governments / Scientific institutions / Media

金融/法律服务/保险          Financial / Legal services / Insurance

货运代理/船舶代理           Freight forwarders / Ship agents


Offshore oil extraction / Drilling contracting and engineering services / Marine engineering equipment

买家影响力   Influential buyers at INMAX CHINA

参观目的     Purpose of visiting

32% 寻找新的供应商    32% looking for new suppliers

23% 下订单            23%  placing orders

18% 收集市场,产品信息,采购新产品 18% gathering  market, product information,sourcing new products

16% 会见客户,维护供应商关系   16% meet the customer and maintain the supplier relationship

10% 寻找代理,经销,合作伙伴   10% search for agents, distributors, partners

业务领域 Nature of business

36% 造船/修船/船舶管理与运营   36% shipbuilding /ship repair / ship management and operation

29% 船东/船舶经纪人/船舶代理/船务咨询/设备贸易商/进出口公司

29% shipowners / ship brokers / ship agents / shipping consultants / marine equipment traders / import and export company

18% 船舶设计/海军/船舶工程  18% ship Design / Navy Architect / ship Engineering

10% 疏浚公司/港务供应/进海供应/物流管理/货物装卸/货运代理  

10% Dredging Company / Port supply / Marine supply / Logistics Management / cargo handling / Freight forwarding

5% 船级社/登记/船检/船舶燃料  5% Classification Society / Registration / Inspection / ship fuel

2% 贸易机构/政府组织/其他  2% Trade Associations / government bodies / others



Even Number Year’s Most Influential Maritime Expo in Asia
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